mercredi 20 juin 2012

Leaving Uzbekistan ,June 19

Let's go to the Kazakstan border, 20 km north of Tashkent
Bad news , no way to cross this border, reserved to locals
The right one is 100 km south west , lot of hectic traffic , nightmare,
I reach the border post 9am , long truck queue, just overtake all of them - it will be 3 hours of nightmares , with even bagages investigation before I can cross the gate with the bike. Ext temp is 45 celcius and I ve no more water in my water bag.
300 meters later Kazakstan gate - it is 1.02pm - +1h in Kazakstan and the border is .... Closed! Till 2 pm for lunch time - I m stucked between the 2 borders with no shade , no water waiting that the f.. Border opens , now.
Only way is to go below a truck to find some shade and wait
Other nightmare to enter Kazakstan. - I ll he get out with all papers in order 2 hours later,
I spent 6 hours to cross the borders today- not bad
I ll ride another 200 km, not more as I m completely washed out - less police check on this side but the national sport seems to be speed control and if you re catched , the corrupted cops tries to obtain cash for a better rate than the fine - and of course not any signpost on the road.
In 200 km they ll stop me 2 time , but they ll have nothing
Stop over in shymkent , 800 km left to Almaty - I should be there tomorrow
Need to sleep

1 commentaire:

  1. HiThierry, you look good men... Looks you are doing fine as always and try to survive by adding some technical bypasses... It seems that your bike is too sophisticated for the circumstances you are in.. Here everything fine, we have start building at plot 6. We will finish before the end of he year so we will be ready before whole family comes in. Winter has arrived in Gondwana, pretty cold here here
