lundi 18 juin 2012

Samarquand June 17

We decide to ride together with stefano
300 kilometers of potholed road, where I start to see that my engine starts to overheat with water boiling - outside temperature is still around 40 Celsius , but it shouldn't.
Arriving in samarquand, hotel and an attempt to eat something - very bad food on the esplanade where the main tourists attractions are - other beautiful building, gardens , and tourists.
Back to the hotel, with the bike in the patio, as well ,i try to spot the problem.
Airlocks in the coolant circuit , safety valve gone, defective thermostat , pump? Anyway I do not have any of these with me and source that in the region is impossible , I ll have to make a workaround.
I make a electrical bypass to force the fan on and try to keep the temp low when slowing down.
Let's see if that works , and tomorrow I ll do more work on that in Tashkent , the capital 300 km away - just hope I ll not have serious overheating during the journey.
The bed petrol contribute of course to the overheating - 80 octane is ridiculous , and the poor modern bike struggle with strange noise and burning my feet with this beverage..
I complete the workshop session 9pm, and , impossible to find something to eat !
Even the big hotel closely has the kitchen closed.
Insisting a bit and the guy at reception obtain un a nice simple dinner , btw, for 3 dollars !
Anyway , the cultural session in cities start to bother me and i miss the nature and open space - lets go to the capital , Fix the bike and take off from Uzbekistan.
I ll try to go to khyrgistan where nature is the issue and mountains everywhere with cool (or cold?) temperatures and average altitude lot above 2000 m- I don't have a visa, let's see how to go there

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