5am to catch up the first ferry , lot of paperworks on both side, all on papers in Cyrillic - nice people willing to help.
- ride a bit along the black sea cost and stop in a vacation aerea , full of eastern tourists strange.
, Surprising very good roads appears to be yellow on the map but doubles roads In reality ! all the region is very busy with lots of traffic -around Krasnodar I buy a sheep skin to put on the bike seat and make it a bit softer . And the guy doesn't me to pay it - as well he offers me a wool has and a map of the aerea ! That's welcomin
I m amazed how Russia is advanced around here - absolutely western standard. 650 km today and stop in a l a large city and surprisingly in a fantastic hotel who charge me 50€ for 12 h stay! Very nice people and definitely a Mafia hotel .. Full of black big cars ..
For a long time now , the road is boring always crossing huges fields and cultures
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